Articles on: Crisp Knowledge Base

How can I format Knowledge Base articles?

Knowledge Base articles are formatted with Markdown. Markdown is an easy-to-use syntax to format texts. You can use Markdown to insert bold text, titles, images and even YouTube videos.

This article sums up the Markdown syntax items that are available to you in Crisp Helpdesk.

Format text

Bold text

Markdown code: **This is a bold** text section.
Example: This is a bold text section.

Italic text

Markdown code: _This is an italic_ text section.
Example: This is an italic text section.

Underlined text

Markdown code: __This is an underlined__ text section.
Example: This is an underlined text section.

Strikethrough text

Markdown code: ~~This is a strikethrough~~ text section.
Example: This is a strikethrough text section.

Highlighted text

Markdown code: ++This is an highlighted++ text section.
Example: This is a highlighted text section.

Insert titles

H1 title (huge)

Markdown code: # Huge title

H2 title (large)

Markdown code: ## Large title

H3 title (medium)

Markdown code: ### Medium title

H4 title (regular)

Markdown code: #### Regular title

H5 title (small)

Markdown code: ##### Small title

H6 title (tiny)

Markdown code: ###### Tiny title

Delimitate text

Horizontal line

Markdown code: ---

Insert lists

Bullet list

Markdown code: * Item

Numbered list

Markdown code: 1. Item

Insert code examples

Inline code (single line)

Markdown code: `inline code`

Block code (multiple lines)

Markdown code: ```block code```

Note that you can also prepend the programming language to the code, which can be:


Insert tables

Markdown code:

| Header 1 | Header 2 | Header 3 |
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
| Value    | Value    | Value    |
| Value    | Value    | Value    |
| Value    | Value    | Value    |

Please note that tables have a limit of 50 rows.

Quote someone

Markdown code: > Quoting someone there...

Insert links

To a section of your article

Markdown code: This is [a link](#3-how-does-it-work)
Clicking on this link will scroll up or down to the matching title ### How does it work?.

Please note the link syntax. It starts with an #, followed by the level of the targeted link (from 1 to 6). Next comes the title value, in lower case, with dashes instead of spaces. Punctuation is not included.

To another article

Markdown code: This is [a link](/en/article/install-crisp-8bn075)

To an external page

Markdown code: This is [a link](

Insert resources

Insert an image

Markdown code: This is ![](

Insert an clickable image

Markdown code: This is a clickable image [![](](

Insert a YouTube video

Markdown code: This is ${youtube}[a YouTube video label](qgPN61LTzZM)

Only the YouTube video identifier is required, not the full YouTube URL.

Insert a Vimeo video

Markdown code: This is ${vimeo}[a Vimeo video label](261941485)

Only the Vimeo video identifier is required, not the full Vimeo URL.

Insert a Dailymotion video

Markdown code: This is ${dailymotion}[a Dailymotion video label](x6g6xd1)

Only the Dailymotion video identifier is required, not the full Dailymotion URL.

Insert an HTML frame

Markdown code: This is ${frame}[an HTML frame label](

Note that you cannot preview the iFrame directly in the editor. in order to visualize your iFrame, you will need to publish the article and consult it directly on your Helpdesk.

Insert tips, information and warnings

Insert a tip box

Markdown code: | This is a tip.

This is a tip.

Insert an information box

Markdown code: || This is an information.

This is an information.

Insert a warning box

Markdown code: ||| This is a warning.

This is a warning.

Updated on: 17/02/2025

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