Articles on: Developers

How can I send events from Crisp to Facebook Pixel?

This article explains how you can send Crisp's users events to Facebook using Facebook Pixel

We will cover a few examples but regarding Facebook Pixel documentation you will be able to set a wide variety of use case. Depending on the way you use Crisp, you should be able to build users events for support, marketing & sales teams.

If you want to have a look at all the events that are built in Crisp, you should have a look here.

Chatbox has been loaded

This event helps you to monitor how many times a chatbox has been loaded.
For this event, we use the [chat:initiated]

<script type="text/javascript">
$crisp.push(["on", "chat:initiated", function(event){
  fbq("trackCustom", "Crisp Chat Initiated");

Chatbox has been opened

This event helps you to monitor how many times a chatbox has been opened.
For this event, we use the [chat:opened]

<script type="text/javascript">
$crisp.push(["on", "chat:opened", function(event){
   fbq("trackCustom", "Crisp Chat Opened");

Chatbox has been closed

This event helps you to monitor how many times a chatbox has been closed.
For this event, we use the [chat:closed]

<script type="text/javascript">
$crisp.push(["on", "chat:closed", function(event){
   fbq("trackCustom", "Crisp Chat Closed");

A message has been sent

This event helps you to monitor how many messages have been sent through Crisp.
For this event, we use the [message:sent]

<script type="text/javascript">
$crisp.push(["on", "message:sent", function(event){ 
   fbq("trackCustom", "Crisp Message Sent");

A message has been received

This event helps you to monitor how many messages have been received through Crisp.
For this event, we use the [message:received]

<script type="text/javascript">
$crisp.push(["on", "message:received", function(event){
   fbq("trackCustom", "Crisp Message Received");

Visitor Email Added

This event helps you to monitor when a new lead has been created through Crisp.
For this event, we use the [user:email:changed]

<script type="text/javascript">
$crisp.push(["on", "user:email:changed", function(event){
   fbq("trackCustom", "Crisp Email Added");

Updated on: 19/03/2024

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