Articles on: AI Chatbot & Automations

How do I create a product carousel for my Chatbot?

Using chatbot builder, you have the ability to deploy carousels of items in your messages. Carousels can be used to showcase a variety of products during your scenarios, and include descriptions as well as ways to redirect your users to a desired page.

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Adding a Carousel of items through our chatbot builder is easily done by adding an Action block "Send Message: Carousel". Carousel options and buttons do not require an Event block for the associated link to be opened by the user.

Creating a Product Carousel

Inside of your scenario, you can open the Block Drawer from the left to drag a new Action block "Send Message: Carousel" and start configuring it to add the images, descriptions, and options of your choice.

Thanks to our chatbot software, you can add up to 10 items inside of a single chatbot carousel, and configure each one individually.

Let's have a closer look at the different option available with an illustrated example:

Building a Products Carousel

Let's now review the details of the configuration:

This allows you to add more translations to your buttons, which will be displayed accordingly based on their language preferences. The "default locale" will be the default one if the user's language doesn't match one of the additional locale you configured.

The message attached to your carousel message.

You can add/remove items to your carousel and specify their name. By clicking the "blue gear" icon, you can configure special parameters described on step 4, 5, 6 and 7.

The title of your item/product.

The description of your items, which will also be visible in the carousel.

Carousels can optionally be appended an image to illustrate your product. The full path (url) of the product must be provided.

You can add buttons at the bottom of your carousel, and specify which link should be opened when users click it.

Adding more items to the carousel is possible, up to 10. Each one can be configured individually.

You're all done ! You've now incremented a carousel of product to your scenario!

Updated on: 03/03/2025

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