Articles on: Crisp Chatbot

Getting started with Crisp Chatbot

In this article you will find all the resources needed to help you get started with Crisp Chatbot. We'll review how the Bot works, and how you can leverage it to create numerous scripts suited to your most diverse and extensive usages.

The chatbot builder is a powerful no-code tool that combines logic with a blueprint interface thats allows you to easily and swiftly deploy scenarios on multiple channels. By dragging blocks and linking them together, you can create a series of events, conditions and actions which you can customize to automate flows that best fit your use-case. Crisp chatbot software is not only capable to automating pre-configured user-journey, it can also be used to help your team in their day to day duties thanks to many of its powerful features.

Common usages include:
Automating responses to common questions, with buttons to guide users the best way
Assigning conversations to different operators from your team, based on certain criteria (language, data, or time of the day)
Creating automated flows to improve your lead generation, or accelerate time to resolution
And many more usages to make your life easier as well as enhance the quality and efficiency of your support

This guide will cover all the basics to launch your very first scenario and provide the necessary resources to achieve even the wildest and complex ones, so let's dive into it!

The Chatbot is also a great way to deal with large volumes of conversations and reduce the workload of your support. If you'd like more insight and the different tools you can leverage to improve your customer services, don't hesitate checking out this dedicated article

Still not sure whether the Bot would fit your use-cases? Don't hesitate reaching out and chatting with us!

The Bot Builder is exclusively available on the Crisp Unlimited plan, However, you can try it for free for 14 days as part of our free trial. To find out more about the many features and tools available on the Unlimited plan, don't hesitate visiting this article

Table of Content

I. Installing the Chatbot
II. Creating, Deleting, Importing, and Exporting chatbot scripts
III. First Steps with the Bot
Learning More
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ → Starting a Chatbot scenario when a user sends a message
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ → Starting a Chatbot scenario without a user sending a message
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ → Starting a Chatbot scenario manually
Chatbot Examples & Use-case
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ → Out-of-Office Responder
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ → Lead generation chatbot
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ → Chatbot Department Routing
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ → Multilingual chatbot template
Tips & Tricks
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ → Configure the Bot's profile
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ → Renaming a Scenario and adding a Description
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ → Scenario Priority
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ → Adding Blocks
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ → Dragging Blocks in-between Existing ones
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ → Connecting Blocks & Deleting Wires
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ → Merging Branches
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ → Branch Priority
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ → Group Selection
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ → Copy & Paste
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ → Live vs Draft
Extra Resources
Frequently Asked Questions

I. Enabling the chatbot builder

Quite easy! From your Crisp dashboard, simply head over to Plugins > Bot and click the install button. The Bot will be installed on your workspace, and you'll be able to start creating your scenarios. Note that the Bot is only available on the Unlimited plan.

Installing the Bot plugin

II. Creating, Deleting, Importing & Exporting your chatbot Scenarios

Crisp allows you to easily create & delete scenarios, but also importing and exporting them.

In our Helpdesk articles dedicated to the Crisp chatbot plugin, you will often find "templates" at the end of guides. You can download and import these in your own Bot to test them out, inspire yourself, or simply review them in greater details.
You can also easily export scenarios from your own Bot to save them locally, or to share them with us if you have any doubt during the configuration.

Here is is a quick illustration to help you understand how to Create, Delete, Import and Export a scenario from the Scenario Manager view.

Creating, Deleting, Importing & Exporting

III. First Steps with the Bot

The Bot editor interface will give you all the tools you need to configure and achieve what you have in mind.
You can open the drawer on the left to drag and configure each of your blocks, in order to build your flow bit by bit. There are different tools and options available which you can leverage to build even faster and more efficient scenarios. We'll review these in our Tips & Tricks section!

When your scenario has taken shape, you can easily test it directly from the editor by saving the draft and clicking the "Test Scenario" button at the top-right corner. Once you're satisfied with the result, you can deploy it in order to enable the scenario on your website.

Let's see a quick example:

First steps, and first scenario

You're now ready to craft your own chatbot script! Feel free to check out our related guides and available chatbot templates below, we also have some extra tips to help you in your journey 🤖

Learning More

There's always more we can do with the Bot plugin. Unlimited use-cases can be achieved by learning, building and experimenting with the available blocks and configuration.
To help you prepare and learn about the most common use-cases and setups, we've prepared some quickstart guides to help you get started on the right foot.

If you'd like to dive even deeper into the different Blocks and subtleties of this plugin, the Understand & Mastering the Bot plugin is also a great read to learn even more!

✹ Starting a Bot Scenario when a user sends a message

A chatbot template to help you trigger a chatbot when users send a message
The most common way to start any scenario, by listening to incoming message and triggering it when a message is received.

✹ Starting a Bot Scenario without a user sending a message

A chatbot template to help you trigger a Bot Scenario programmatically, by the using the SDK
In some cases, you may want to start a Bot scenario automatically when a specific event occurs on your platform/website. The SDK can help you achieve this!

✹ Starting a Bot Scenario manually

A chatbot template to help you trigger a Bot Scenario manually.
Very useful to have control on a scenario you would like to trigger at crucial moments, such as sharing a meeting link.

Chatbot Templates & Use-cases

We've prepared numerous guides to better help you understand the fundamental principles and showcase examples of the most common chatbot use-case.

You'll find guides and resources to help you build scenarios that fit your needs, and helpful tips to customize them as your needs evolve over time. Most of these guides include a template which you can import into your own Bot, so feel free to try them out!

✹ Out-of-Office Chatbot template

A guide to help you create an Out-of-Office Chatbot or Weekend Responder.
Especially useful to provide continuity in your support when you're unavailable, orient users to helpful resources, or gather information to give you a head start when it's time to reach back.

✹ Asking users for Informations

A guide to build a scenario which automatically ask users for specifics informations
Helpful to gather information prior to an agent joining the conversation, and to ask the user for data and information relevant to their request.

✹ Routing Chatbot template

A guide to help you route conversations to the proper team/agents.
This can be used to improve both your team's efficiency, and enhance the quality and relevancy of the support you're able to provide, by ensuring the conversations reach the proper department.

✹ Multilingual chatbot template

This can be used to provide an international customer service experience on 24/7 basis. Through Crisp Bot Builder, you'll get the opportunity to design, create and test chatbot scripts in a multilingual environment.

Tips & Tricks

There's multiple ways to achieve different things with our Omnichannel Bot builder. You'll find that most of your favorites commands have quick access shortcuts, such as block creation, edition, or even copy/pasting blocks!
In this section we'll take a look at some of them, you'll also find illustrated examples of these!

✹ Configure the Bot's profile

You can configure the Bot's name and avatar to give it a human touch. These informations will be visible to your users when they interact with your Bot scenarios.

Bot profile

✹ Renaming a Scenario and adding a Description

Not only can you rename a scenario from within the editor, it is also possible from the main the Scenario Manager menu.
You can also add a description to make your scenarios more obvious to your team, or leave them a note about how they are supposed to be used.

Name & Description

✹ Scenario Priority

One important concept to keep in mind is that only one scenario can be triggered at the same time in a conversation. For instance, if your scenario "Ask users for informations" has the priority over your "Department Routing" scenario, and both start on the same event and conditions, only the former will be triggered.
You can mitigate this by specifying conditions and different events within each of your scenarios, so that they are each able to start when they meant to, but which scenario's conditions will be checked first?

Well, in that case Crisp allows you to adjust the priority of your scenarios, so that you can determine which one should run. In your Scenario Manager area, you'll notice a label with a number next to the name, this is the order of priority.
To change that priority, you can simply drag them around and rearrange their positioning.

Changing the Priority

✹ Adding Blocks

There's a few different schools in order to add new blocks to your scenario. It all depends on your preference!

You can use the + icon after selecting the previous block, but you can also choose to open the drawer and directly drag the block where you'd like. Here is a quick example of both:

Adding Blocks

✹ Dragging Blocks in-between Existing ones

You can of course click the + icon below any block to prompt quick block selector menu, but you can also directly drag and connect a block directly.
To do so, simply open the drawer, and drag your block over any existing wire you'd like the block to occupy.

Dragging Blocks in-between

✹ Connecting Blocks & Deleting Wires

For the scenario to follow its flow, blocks must be connected to each other. When a Block is dragged into the editor, it will look to connect to the nearest block available automatically.
However, in cases where you'd like to delete the wire and connect a block to a different one, the Bot offers you as easy way to do so, by dragging the wire from a Block's anchor point to the other.

Connecting & Deleting Wires

✹ Merging Branches

When building scenarios you will often split your flow into several branches, perhaps after a user clicked a button, or to handle conditional cases (such as if the conversation is new, or if a segment exists). In some cases, you might want to be able to re-merge the branches that you've setup, in order to do a common action without having to repeat it in all of your branches.

Merging Branches

✹ Branch Priority

When building Scenarios, it will often happen that you need to split your flow into several branches.
For instance, you might want a scenario to offer a different experience if your user has an email set or not, or do specific actions based on the messages they sent.

When adding you have a block connected to several child elements, you will notice a number appearing on the wire connecting of these elements. These numbers represent the order in which the Bot will check which branch it can follow. It will first check if it can follow the branch with the 1 wire, then 2, etc. The Bot will check each branch based their priority, and follow the first one it detects a match for.

Branch Priority

✹ Group Selection

Selecting multiple blocks is also possible with the Bot plugin. To do so, simple maintain the shift and select the area of blocks you'd like to highlight.
This will enable you to easily reorganize them, but also perform a group deletion, or duplicating them! We'll learn more about the latter in our next tip.

Group Selection

✹ Copy & Paste

You can copy and paste individual blocks in order to reuse them somewhere else in your scenario.
This can be done can select a block and using the "copy" in the quick menu, or directly by using the shortcut ctrl + c or cmd + c on Windows and Mac respectively. Once copied simply left click anywhere you'd like to paste them.
This is also possible for group selections of blocks, by using ctrl + c or cmd + c on the highlighted blocks.

Copy & Paste Blocks

✹ Live vs Draft

You can swap in-between the "Draft" and "Live" view of your scenario in order to review the changes you've made before deploying it.
This can also help you work on improving your scenario without affecting the live version, thus not impacting your users until it is actually deployed. You can change in-between these two views directly from the Action menu on the top-right corner of the interface.

Note that you cannot edit the scenario while in "Live" view, you need to swap to "Draft" in order to make changes.

Live vs Draft

Extra Resources

✹ Learning more about the Bot

Perhaps you still have some interrogations about the chatbot, and would like to know more about the specifics and details of each blocks. For instance, you might be wondering how Exit blocks work more exactly, or when you should use an Action or Condition block. Whether it's to satisfy curiosity or learn more about the technical aspects of the Bot, we have set up an article that reviews how the Bot, scenarios and blocks work in greater details.

How to ask users for information
How to memorize and update user information
How to create a list buttons and offer choices to users
How to send embedded and external links with a button
How to create a Products Carousel

✹ Video guides

Our articles contain animations and videos to better illustrate and walk you through creating your scenarios, but you can also directly hop to our YouTube channel!
We have very detailed videos to help on your journey, if you'd like take a deeper dive into some concepts.

How to design a Multilingual Chatbot
How to build a Human-like behaviour for your Chatbot
How to create a Routing Bot
How to create an Out-of-Office Chatbot
How to put your Lead Generation on autopilot thanks to Crisp Chatbot
Automate customer journey with Crisp Campaigns and Chatbot

✹ Going beyond the Bot

As you already know by now, the Bot plugin is only one of the features available on the Unlimited plan. It's a powerful way to better enhance your support's reactivity and cover a limitless amount of usages, but Crisp has many more tools at your disposal.

Check out all the available features here to see how you can better take advantage of Crisp!

Frequently Asked Questions

Still have some questions about the Bot that were not covered in this article or related guides? Perhaps you'll find the answer here!
Here is a collection of the most frequently asked questions, you'll also find some extra resources to help you better understand how this plugin works, and to prepare for the most obscure and extravagant use-cases.

Don't hesitate visiting this in-depth article to learn more about the Bot and master your craftsmanship of scenarios

If your question does not figure here, share it with us directly by chat, we'll be available!

How can I start my Bot Scenario for New Conversations exclusively?

To do so, you can add a Condition block "Conversation is New" right after your first Event block "User Message Matches". Your flow would therefore look like this:
Entry Gate → Event "User Message Matches" → Condition "Conversation is New" → (rest of your scenario)

You can of course add more conditions, or choose to check a different one (such as if a segment is set, the language of the user, etc)

I'm unable to save changes, there's a red banner appearing, what can I do?

You may have misconfigured certain blocks in your scenario. You can user the "rearrange and "center view" options to reorganize your scenario and give you a clear overview of it.
Make sure that all of your blocks are correctly set up and connected to each others.

When a block contains a misconfiguration, there will be an orange warning left of it. You can hover this warning with your cursor to display a tooltip giving you more information about the error related this block.

I want my Bot to answer users with AI generated responses, is this possible?

The Bot plugin uses a logic type-of-flow which does not incorporate AI, it is designed to be predictable, consistent, and to be a robust way to more efficiently handle your support inquiries.
However, we have several plugins powered by AI which can match what you are looking for.
Explore some of these on our marketplace, or refer to this dedicated article for more information.

Can I start another scenario from the current one, or create a loop?

Absolutely, this can be very helpful to offer more options to your users and start different scenarios depending on their choices and needs, but this is also a good way to organize your Bots in a more efficient and manageable way.

You can read more about the "Exit Block - Run Scenario" to start another scenario right here.
This separate section will help you create a loop within the same scenario, to go back to a previous block thanks to Proxies

Why is my Bot sometimes not starting?

There can be various reasons, make sure to double-check that the configuration of your scenario is correct, and that it is indeed deployed and enabled.
Keep in mind that the Bot will not be triggered automatically in ongoing conversations, if an operator has sent a message in the past 20 minutes, it will not start to avoid interfering.

Don't hesitate checking out the dedicated articles depending on how you wish you scenario to be triggered:
Starting a Bot Scenario when a user sends a message
Starting a Bot Scenario without a user sending a message
Starting a Bot Scenario manually

Where can I test my Bot?

The Scenario editor interface has an integrated menu to help you test your scenario directly, as covered earlier in this article. However, in some cases you may want to test it live if it contains advanced conditions, or if it is composed of several inter-connected individual scenarios.

A good way to test a scenario "live" without causing interference with your users, is to edit the terms detected by your initial "**User sent a message"** Event block, and to temporarily make it detect a term only known by you (like a password).

Can the Chatbot generate AI-powered responses to my users?

It sure can! The Chatbot can be integrated with MagicReply, the Crisp AI Assistant.
MagicReply is an AI which can be trained on your own data, such as Helpdesk article, Q&A questions, online web resource... And generate accurate and pertinent responses to your users automatically.

This allows you to build powerful and robust scenarios and provide assistance to your users autonomously. AI can also be used to automatically suggest articles to your users for instance!
You can find a thorough guide right here to get started with MagicReply inside of the Chatbot.

Updated on: 27/08/2024

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