Articles on: Crisp Knowledge Base

How to use the Knowledge Base

Websites using Crisp may create their own Knowledge Base / Help Center via Crisp Knowledge Base. It is a convenient way to create a public Knowledge Base website to help your users.

Required plan for Knowledge Base

The Knowledge Base feature is available in Crisp Essentials and Plus. You need to make sure your website is subscribed to that plan so that you can use the Knowledge Base feature.

Check the Crisp Pricing page if you need more information on our plans.

How to create my Knowledge Base?

Before you can use your Knowledge Base, it must be initiated as follows:

Go to your Crisp Dashboard
Navigate to Knowledge Base, from the left menu

Click on create my Knowledge Base

Select the initial locale for your KB

Then, your Knowledge Base will be available online shortly. Allow a few minutes for the SSL certificate for your Knowledge Base domain to be generated. Once online, you will be prompted to add a language. Read the next section.

How to add a new language to my Knowledge Base?

The Crisp Knowledge Base system is multilingual . You can add as many languages as you want, and write articles in each of those languages. Your users can switch between languages and you can point them to articles in their native language.

Before your knowledge base is available online, you need to add at least 1 language. Follow those steps:

Go to your Crisp Dashboard
Go to Knowledge Base (in the sidebar)
You will be prompted to add a new language, confirm you want to do so
You are prompted the language you want to add, pick a language (you can add more later on)

Pick a language for your Knowledge Base

Once the language is added, your Knowledge Base will be available online under that language.

How to customize my Knowledge Base?

Your Knowledge Base can be customized to fit with your brand design. Follow those steps to find your Knowledge settings:

Go to your Crisp Dashboard
Go to Settings, then click on Knowledge Base Settings
Click on "Customize your Knowledge Base"

The Knowledge Base customization settings

You can customize the Knowledge Base header and footer logos with your own brand logo. In the "Customize your Knowledge Base" settings , look for "Header logo" and "Footer logo".

SVG images recommended , as they scale better on different screen resolutions.

For the header logo, upload a light (eg. white) logo. For the footer logo, upload a dark (eg. black) logo. This ensures both logo are readable based on the header & footer background.

The customized header logo of a Crisp Knowledge Base

Knowledge Base banner

Recommend Knowledge Base banner size is 1000 x 200 px

Change Knowledge Base color

The main color of your Knowledge Base is based on the color of your Crisp chatbox. If your chatbox is set to be blue, then your Knowledge Base will be blue.

If you want to change the color of your Knowledge Base, you will need to change the color of your chatbox. Read this article on how to do it.

Colors set in the Crisp customization plugin are used as the color of your Knowledge Base too (if any is set).

Change Knowledge Base header pattern

If your chatbox has a pattern image configured (ie. the subtle pattern you see as the background of your chatbox), this same pattern will be used in the header of your Knowledge Base . If your chatbox has no pattern configured, then your Knowledge Base won't have any used too.

You can also upload a custom header background image from the "Customize your Knowledge Base" settings. Make sure to upload an image that scales well on large screens.

A customized Knowledge Base header pattern (notice the subtle background images)

How to set a custom domain for my Knowledge Base?

We made a dedicated tutorial for this: Setup Your Knowledge Base Domain

How to add categories to my Knowledge Base?

Categories can be added in your Knowledge Base, and are visible on your Knowledge Base homepage. They are used to group articles and allow for easy user browsing.

For instance, you may want to create a category regarding the "Billing" of your product:

Go to your Crisp Dashboard
Go to Knowledge Base (in the sidebar)
Click on "Categories" in the left navigation bar
Click on "New category" in (top left of screen)
Give a name to your category and create it
In the categories list, click on your category and add a description and an image
You may add an order index number, which can be used to order categories between each other (eg. show some categories at the top and others at the bottom)

If you don't want to show category images on your Knowledge Base homepage, you may disable category images in the Knowledge Base customization settings.

A category being edited

How to write Knowledge Base articles?

Knowledge Base articles can be written in the Knowledge Base editor in the Crisp App. They are formatted with Markdown, which is explained in details in this article .

Go to your Crisp Dashboard
Go to Knowledge Base (in the sidebar)
Click on "Articles" in the left navigation bar
Click on "New article" in (top left of screen)
Proceed writing your article
Don't forget to categorize your article (give it a category)

An article needs to be published to be visible on your public Knowledge Base. Saving it is not sufficient. Once the article is published online, you can edit it anytime and save without having to re-publish.

How to send articles from my Knowledge Base in conversations?

In conversations with your users, you may sometimes want to send an Knowledge Base article directly, rather than composing a long answer.

A quick Knowledge Base search feature is available in the Crisp Apps. Simply start a new message with "?" and then enter your search query. Knowledge Base articles will be then suggested, based on the article titles.

You may then select an article and hit enter. Then, your message field will be populated with the link to the article, as well as the article title. You may now send the generated message to the person you chat with.

Search your Knowledge Base with the ? keyword

How to delete my Knowledge Base ?

If you want to disable it, and no longer wish to use this feature. You'll have to uninstall the Knowledge Base plugin, in the plugin section. This way, the Knowledge Base will be totally reset and will no longer appear for you or your customers.

Updated on: 28/02/2025

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