What are Email Campaigns recipient limits?
As every email provider, we need to limit the maximum number of recipients email campaigns can be simultaneously sent to. This is done to ensure best deliverability for everyone, and protect our platform from pesky spammers. Read more in this article about the campaign recipient limits that apply to your Crisp account, and how to get higher limits.
Recipient limits only apply to One-Shot Campaigns. Automated Campaigns are not impacted by the limits described below.
The campaign recipient limits that are being enforced depend on 3 factors: your current Crisp plan, if you are in a free trial or not, and whether you are using a dedicated outbound email IP address or a shared one.
Our current recipient limits can be found below:
Pooled email IP : 50 recipients per campaign
Dedicated email IP or Custom email SMTP : 100 recipients per campaign
Pooled email IP : 10,000 recipients per campaign
Dedicated email IP or Custom email SMTP : 100,000 recipients per campaign
Users trialling Crisp Mini, Crisp Essentials and Crisp Plus temporarily have the same limits as Crisp Free. This is to prevent spammers from leveraging our free trial model. You'd need to make a payment for either Crisp Mini, Crisp Essentials or Crisp Plus to unlock your higher plan limits. Contact our support to exit trial sooner and increase your limits.
To increase your recipient limits:
Upgrade to a higher plan (eg. from Mini to Plus);
Check that you're not using a free trial (contact our support if you need to get out of free trial sooner);
Buy a dedicated outbound email IP address (this way, you don't share your outbound email IP address with other Crisp users; you will be responsible for your delivery reputation)
The dedicated email IP, combined to the Essentials or Plus plan, is the combination that gives you the maximum recipient limit you can get on Crisp.
Here's how to upgrade to a dedicated email IP: open our article What are email reputation pools? (email IPs)
When you try to send your campaign, and hit the "Send" button, it should go through with a green success notification. You'll see an error otherwise.
If you reached the campaign recipient limit, you'll see a red error telling you so, as below:

You can subscribe to higher recipient limits from your website settings within the Crisp Dashboard website settings . Click on your website, and scroll down to the "Usage" section, where you will be able to find the "Campaign recipients" limit to increase.
You can read our guide on how to increase your limits & quotas for more on how to increase your email campaign recipient limits.
Note that the increased recipient limit only applies if you are sending emails through an assigned IP. If you increased your limit but you are still not running an assigned IP, please setup one (see explanations above on how to do that).
In case you are using a custom email SMTP server (ie. external SMTP relay), you get the exact same limits as if you were using a dedicated email IP (ie. provided by Crisp).
If your website is using sandbox mode (in other words, a free Mini, Essentials or Plus plan that we provided for development or staging use only), your campaign recipient limits will be set to those of a website using a trial of Crisp (the limits can be seen above).
If you want to speak with us about those campaign recipient limits, please contact us directly . We'll do our best to answer all your questions and address all your needs!
Recipient limits only apply to One-Shot Campaigns. Automated Campaigns are not impacted by the limits described below.
Current one-shot campaign recipient limits
The campaign recipient limits that are being enforced depend on 3 factors: your current Crisp plan, if you are in a free trial or not, and whether you are using a dedicated outbound email IP address or a shared one.
Our current recipient limits can be found below:
Under Trial:
Pooled email IP : 50 recipients per campaign
Dedicated email IP or Custom email SMTP : 100 recipients per campaign
Crisp Essentials and Plus plans:
Pooled email IP : 10,000 recipients per campaign
Dedicated email IP or Custom email SMTP : 100,000 recipients per campaign
Users trialling Crisp Mini, Crisp Essentials and Crisp Plus temporarily have the same limits as Crisp Free. This is to prevent spammers from leveraging our free trial model. You'd need to make a payment for either Crisp Mini, Crisp Essentials or Crisp Plus to unlock your higher plan limits. Contact our support to exit trial sooner and increase your limits.
How do I increase my recipient limits?
To increase your recipient limits:
Upgrade to a higher plan (eg. from Mini to Plus);
Check that you're not using a free trial (contact our support if you need to get out of free trial sooner);
Buy a dedicated outbound email IP address (this way, you don't share your outbound email IP address with other Crisp users; you will be responsible for your delivery reputation)
How to get maximum limit with a dedicated email IP?
The dedicated email IP, combined to the Essentials or Plus plan, is the combination that gives you the maximum recipient limit you can get on Crisp.
Here's how to upgrade to a dedicated email IP: open our article What are email reputation pools? (email IPs)
What happens when I reach the recipient limit?
When you try to send your campaign, and hit the "Send" button, it should go through with a green success notification. You'll see an error otherwise.
If you reached the campaign recipient limit, you'll see a red error telling you so, as below:

How can I increase my recipient limit?
You can subscribe to higher recipient limits from your website settings within the Crisp Dashboard website settings . Click on your website, and scroll down to the "Usage" section, where you will be able to find the "Campaign recipients" limit to increase.
You can read our guide on how to increase your limits & quotas for more on how to increase your email campaign recipient limits.
Note that the increased recipient limit only applies if you are sending emails through an assigned IP. If you increased your limit but you are still not running an assigned IP, please setup one (see explanations above on how to do that).
What if I am using a custom email SMTP?
In case you are using a custom email SMTP server (ie. external SMTP relay), you get the exact same limits as if you were using a dedicated email IP (ie. provided by Crisp).
What happens if my website is in sandbox mode?
If your website is using sandbox mode (in other words, a free Mini, Essentials or Plus plan that we provided for development or staging use only), your campaign recipient limits will be set to those of a website using a trial of Crisp (the limits can be seen above).
I need to talk to someone about this!
If you want to speak with us about those campaign recipient limits, please contact us directly . We'll do our best to answer all your questions and address all your needs!
Updated on: 04/11/2024
Thank you!