Articles on: Crisp Inbox

How can I format Crisp Messages?

Crisp allows to send rich text content messages using Markdown. Markdown is an easy-to-use syntax to format texts. You can use Markdown to insert bold text, titles, images and even YouTube videos.

Here is a cheatsheet to use Crisp Markdown features:

Format text

Bold text

To use bold text: **My Bold Text**

Italic text

To use italic text: *Italic Text*

Underlined text

To use underlined text: __Underlined Text__

Strikethrough text

To use strikethrough text: ~~Strikethrough text~~

Insert titles

Crisp allows to create big-text headers:

# This is a h1 header

## This is a h2 header

### This is a h3 header

#### This is a h4 header

##### This is a h5 header

###### This is a h6 header

Insert lists


Crisp allows to use lists
List may be bullet-points

To use lists: * A point in your list


Crisp allows to use lists
List may be numbered

To use a numbered list: 1. This is my first point

Insert code

Inline code (single line)

inline code

To use inline code: `inline_code()`

Block code (multiple lines)


To use block code: ```multiline code```

Insert tables

Header 1Header 2Header 3

To use tables:

| Header 1 | Header 2 | Header 3 |
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
| Value    | Value    | Value    |
| Value    | Value    | Value    |
| Value    | Value    | Value    |

Insert quotes

Blockquotes are very handy in email to emulate reply text.
To use blockquotes: > Blockquotes

Insert links

[a link](

Insert resources

Inline image

You may insert inline images using:

![an image label](

Clickable image

You may insert clickable images using:

[![an image label](](

YouTube video

You may insert YouTube videos using:

${youtube}[Video label](XXXXXXX)

Where XXXXXXX is the Youtube video identifier. Eg. for it would be qgPN61LTzZM.

Vimeo video

You may insert Vimeo videos using:

${vimeo}[Video label](XXXXXXX)

Where XXXXXXX is the Vimeo video identifier. Eg. for it would be 261941485.

Dailymotion video

You may insert Dailymotion videos using:

${dailymotion}[Video label](XXXXXXX)

Where XXXXXXX is the Dailymotion video identifier. Eg. for it would be x6g6xd1.

Updated on: 26/02/2025

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