How do I use private notes and mentions?
You just started to use Crisp and now discover the whole software, you have multiple operators, dealing with different timezone, private notes will help your company not to lose data and mentions will bring better efficiencies within your company's department
Notes and Mentions are available on the Mini, Essentials and Plus plans
Private Notes are internal notes that an Operators/Admin can add to a conversation. Private Notes are not visible to your end users, and are added in-line within the messages.
This feature is particularly helpful for Operators who want to provide context when reassigning the conversation to another Agent in the Dashboard. Private Notes also support ‘Mentions,’ which allow Operators to tag other team members in Private Notes so they’ll be notified in real time.

Mentions is a way to notify someone from the team that an answer is needed. You simply have to use "@" before the name of the operator.

Every time an operator get mentioned, he receive an email and a desktop notification to inform him that he needs to reply to a customer.
Here are some dedicated pages to private note (also known as internal notes) to help you better understand how it can improve collaboration and efficiency within your company.
To start a note, simply write /note followed by your private note. You can also type @ followed by the username of the agent you want to mention.
Notes and Mentions are available on the Mini, Essentials and Plus plans
What is private note?
Private Notes are internal notes that an Operators/Admin can add to a conversation. Private Notes are not visible to your end users, and are added in-line within the messages.
This feature is particularly helpful for Operators who want to provide context when reassigning the conversation to another Agent in the Dashboard. Private Notes also support ‘Mentions,’ which allow Operators to tag other team members in Private Notes so they’ll be notified in real time.

How to mention an operator?
Mentions is a way to notify someone from the team that an answer is needed. You simply have to use "@" before the name of the operator.

Every time an operator get mentioned, he receive an email and a desktop notification to inform him that he needs to reply to a customer.
Here are some dedicated pages to private note (also known as internal notes) to help you better understand how it can improve collaboration and efficiency within your company.
How to start a note?
To start a note, simply write /note followed by your private note. You can also type @ followed by the username of the agent you want to mention.
Updated on: 26/02/2025
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