Articles on: Crisp Inbox

How do I create and send an email from my shared inbox?

Using Crisp, you can not only respond to incoming messages. You can create new conversations to sent outbound messages, on two channels. One of them is email. Here is how you can create and send an email using Crisp Shared Inbox.

Using Crisp, you might feel the need to create a new conversation with one of your leads or customers. That's why using Crisp, you have the ability to create a new conversation and send a message to the user you want to contact.

Emails are available from the Pro plan so make sure you subscribe to this plan prior to any action.

Through email, you'll have to get in touch with any user of your database as long as you have two key data:

That's it!

⚠️This feature is dedicated to one on one conversations. If you're willing to send multiple messages at the same time, look at Campaigns.

How to create an email conversation in Crisp shared inbox?

Go to your inbox and click the 3 dots at the bottom left of your inbox.

Create a conversation from the shared inbox

Click on "Create a new conversation"

Set the full name and email of the user you want to contact

Craft your email using the text editor and hit the "Send Message" when you're done.

Updated on: 11/03/2024

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