How do email notifications work?
Crisp notifies you of pending (unread) messages from your visitors. Email notifications are not delivered to your inbox in real-time (eg: right when you receive a message); thus you may wonder why.
Crisp waits for 3 minutes before delivering an email notification to operators for pending messages. You receive email notifications only for messages that don't get read before that 3 minutes delay. If the pending message gets read before that delay, no email will be delivered.
This delay makes the system convenient for contextual use: your inbox doesn't get flooded when you are active on an app and you reply from chat, while you can still fallback on email replies in some contexts (eg: apps are still open, but you leave your desk and rely on another computer or mobile device that don't have the Crisp app).
The notification will be sent to one operator, following these rules by order of priority:
To the assigned operator (if any, whether online or offline)
To one of the online operators
To one of the offline operators
Email should be seen as the last resort way to get notified of pending messages from your visitors. You should use the Crisp Web, Desktop and Mobile apps to get notified and reply to your visitors. However, in some contexts, emails is more convenient.
These notifications can be enabled/disabled by navigating to Settings > Account > Notifications > Email Notifications

Crisp waits for 3 minutes before delivering an email notification to operators for pending messages. You receive email notifications only for messages that don't get read before that 3 minutes delay. If the pending message gets read before that delay, no email will be delivered.
This delay makes the system convenient for contextual use: your inbox doesn't get flooded when you are active on an app and you reply from chat, while you can still fallback on email replies in some contexts (eg: apps are still open, but you leave your desk and rely on another computer or mobile device that don't have the Crisp app).
The notification will be sent to one operator, following these rules by order of priority:
To the assigned operator (if any, whether online or offline)
To one of the online operators
To one of the offline operators
Email should be seen as the last resort way to get notified of pending messages from your visitors. You should use the Crisp Web, Desktop and Mobile apps to get notified and reply to your visitors. However, in some contexts, emails is more convenient.
These notifications can be enabled/disabled by navigating to Settings > Account > Notifications > Email Notifications

Updated on: 26/02/2025
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