Account profile and preferences
How can I schedule when to be seen online/offline?
Your Crisp chatbox can show the support to be either online or offline (away). This lets your users know whether they can get a quick reply, given you are online. You can enable/disable a mode that we call "Availability schedule". This feature lets you configure days and hour timespans you want to be seen as "online". You will be seen as "offline" on days and hours that are off-schedule. You can enable the online/offline automatic schedule in Availability schedule (https://storage.crisp.Some readersHow to edit my profile and add a profile picture?
Completing your Crisp profile helps your teammates and customers to learn more about you. Here's how to add details about yourself, upload a photo, and set your language Go to Reach out to your settings Click on "Account" Edit your information Here is the menu where you can edit your profileFew readersHow to set my dashboard in a different language
Manually change my account to a new language Go to Pick your language in the listFew readers
Account access to Crisp inboxes
How to manage multiple inboxes under the same account
Crisp allows to manage multiple inboxes using the same account/email, so you don't have to logout to reply to customers. How the Crisp account system works At Crisp, all the accounts are individual and can be connected to multiple websites. For instance, an account can be attached to different inboxes. If John creates a new company, he will be able to use the same account to manage and and can have different subscriFew readersHow can I change agent roles (owner or member)?
Agents can either be website owners or website members. You can easily switch agents from a role to another, provided you have the owner role. How to change agent roles To change the role of an agent, you may follow those steps: Go to: Go to your settings: click on the settings icon Click on "Websites" Pick your website Go to "Operators in the team" Click on "Member" or "Owner" to toggle the role Confirm you want to chanFew readers
Common account-related questions
How do email notifications work?
Crisp notifies you of pending (unread) messages from your visitors. Email notifications are not delivered to your inbox in real-time (eg: right when you receive a message); thus you may wonder why. Crisp waits for 3 minutes before delivering an email notification to operators for pending messages. You receive email notifications only for messages that don't get read before that 3 minutes delay. If the pending message gets read before that delay, no email will be delivered. This delayFew readersHow can I always appear as online?
Your Crisp chatbox can show the support to be either online or offline (away). This lets your users know whether they can get a quick reply, given you are online. If, however, you would like to disable the online/offline automatic schedule, based on hours and days you can configure, Crisp provides a way to always appear as online. You can disable the online/offline automatic schedule in Availability schedule ( readers