Articles on: Integrations

How to connect Crisp to Hubspot?

This plugin is available in Crisp Unlimited. The Crisp ↔️ Hubspot plugin allows a two way contact synchronization as well as the possibility to view and create deals associated to a contact directly from Crisp. Additionally, it is possible to see which Hubspot lists a contact is part of.

All the new or updated contacts you have in Crisp are sent to Hubspot and all the new and updated contacts in Hubspot are automatically synced to Crisp CRM.


Connecting Hubspot to Crisp
How does the plugin work?
Import my previous contacts

Connecting Hubspot to Crisp

Initiate the plugin installation here and select a Crisp workspace to install the Hubspot plugin on.
Click on Connect to Hubspot to be redirected to Hubspot.
Select which Hubspot account to connect Crisp to (If you have more than one Hubspot account).
Finally, click Connect App and you should be redirected back to Crisp.
(Optional) - Configure the plugin settings, to prevent whether or not Crisp operators with "Member" permissions can add/remove customers to lists, create deals and more!

The plugin is now connected and ready to use!

The Hubspot Plugin is available from the Unlimited Plan, which comes with numerous features that help to improve inbound sales operations.

How does the plugin work?

Contact Synchronization

All the new contacts that you add on Hubspot are directly added to Crisp. If you update a contact in Hubspot, it's also updated in Crisp. As the plugin is dual-sync, it works the same on Crisp's side. When a new contact is added to Crisp, it's automatically added to Hubspot. Any modification you do on Crisp is reflected on Hubspot too. It is also possible to use the plugin as a one way sync from Crisp to Hubspot or visa-versa, all you need to do is disable the contact sync in the plugin settings.

Note that the plugin does not create leads but contacts.

Create a new contact in Hubspot and the contact will instantly be added to Crisp's CRM:

All new Crisp contacts created from Hubspot will have the segment hubspot so you'll know where the contact comes from.

What contact data is synced?

From Crisp to Hubspot:
Email - The email of the Crisp contact is synced to an existing Hubspot contact. If there is no Hubspot contact, a new one is created.
Name - The name will be split into a first and last name in Hubspot. If the Crisp has more than 3 name (eg. John Patrick Doe) it will all secondary names will be saved as the last name. (eg. First name: John, Last name: Patrick Doe)
Website: - The contacts website.
Phone - The contact phone number.
Address - The contacts address.
Gender - The contacts gender.
Job title - The contacts job title.
Company - The company the contact is part of.

From Hubspot to Crisp:
Email - The email of the Crisp contact is synced to an existing Crisp contact. If there is no Crisp contact, a new one is created.
First name - The first name of the contact is saved as the Crisp name.
Last name - If the contact has a last name, it is appended to the Name on Crisp.
Hubspot Segment - A hubspot segment is added to the contact only when a new contact is added from Hubspot to Crisp.
Website: - The contacts website.
Phone - The contact phone number.
Address - The contacts address.
City: - The city is appended to the contacts address on Crisp.
Zip code - The zip code is appended to the contacts address on Crisp.
State - The state is appended to the contacts address on Crisp.
Custom fields - Custom fields configured from the plugin settings in Crisp are all saved as custom data on the Crisp contact. (Enumeration fields will use the stored value in HubSpot, rather than the enumeration label.)

Enable which custom contact properties from Hubspot you would like to synchronize to Crisp from the Hubspot plugin settings.

Hubspot Widget

The Hubspot widget allows your Crisp operators to view all Deals and List Memberships of a contact with direct links to the contacts Hubspot profile, a specific deal or even a list. A deals priority or stage can be quickly updated and a contact can also be easily removed from a Hubspot list:

View contact deals and list memberships

It is also possible to view custom deal fields in the widget but enabling the deal properties from the Hubspot plugin settings. All additional fields will be shown in the Additional information section of a deal.

The integration modals also allow you to create a deal, add a contact to a static list and report a conversation to the Hubspot contact activity too:

Create Hubspot deal
Add contact to list
Report a conversation to Hubspot

All conversation message timestamps are in the UTC+00 timezone when reported as a Hubspot activity.

Import my previous contacts

You may want to add your previous contacts in Crisp. In order to do that, you have to download your contact list in Hubspot as a CSV.

Click Table Actions then Export View

Export Hubspot's contacts

Then navigate to Crisp > Contacts > Import the CSV to Crisp:

Import contacts in Crisp

You can learn more about CSV import in Crisp in this article

How can I customize the Hubspot Widget to display my data?

Each and every company seeks the ability to synchronize data that fits with its own business and industry. Therefore, we made it possible for any business to choose the data that has to be synced between Hubspot and Crisp.

And it lies in the Hubspot settings, available from the Plugin section, in your Crisp Workspace.

how to get to Hubspot Plugin's Settings

Once there, you can easily choose what kind of custom attribute or data you can to be displayed within Crisp or synchronized with a deal on Hubspot.


In that case, just contact our team, we'll be happy to solve your issue.

Updated on: 03/09/2024

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