Articles on: Integrations

How to integrate Crisp with X (Twitter)?

Here is how to integrate Crisp with Twitter, so you can receive direct messages from Twitter and reply from Crisp.

Twitter integration is available from the Crisp Mini plan

⚠️ Before you continue: This integration requires you to be on the Twitter Enterprise plan. If you do not have this plan on Twitter the integration will not work.

1. Create your Twitter Project & Twitter App

Go to your Developers portal dashboard
Click "Create Project"
Give your Project a name
Select "Making a bot" for the use case
Give your project a description and you will be redirected to create an App
Give your app a name
Copy the generated API Key , Api Secret Key and Bearer Token

2. Allow messaging permissions

Go to the Settings* tab of your App
Under the User authentication settings* section, click Setup
Enable the option OAuth 1.0a*
Under App permissions* select Read + Write + Direct Messages
Add your website URL in Callback URI / Redirect URL* and Website URL , add your Terms of service URL and Privacy policy , then click Save

Twitter App Permissions

3. Generate Access credentials

Go the the Key and tokens* tab of your App
In the Access Token and Secret* section, click on Generate
Copy the generated Access Token and Access Token Secret
Twitter Access

4. Apply for the Elevated plan

Go to Twitter API v2 under Products*
Click on the Elevated* tab and apply for Elevated
Fill in the details to apply for the Elevated plan
Under The Specifics* only enable "Will your App use Tweet, Retweet, Like, Follow, or Direct Message functionality?" and describe that you will use the Direct message feature for customer support
Wait for your Approval from Twitter

5. Set up the Account Activity API

Once approved, go to Dev environments
In Account Activity API / Sandbox* , click on Set up dev environment
Give it a name, and select your App created in Step 1
Twitter Account Activity API

6. Link Crisp with Twitter

Go to
Navigate to Plugins*
Click on Twitter DM
Fill the Twitter credentials from Step 1
Save the credentials

Note that the video below was created before the Twitter Developers portal changed. The steps are similar in most cases with the addition of needing to apply to the Elevated Plan


I don't receive messages on Crisp

Twitter is known to have sometimes issues on the Tokens. What we suggest in the first place if you don't receive messages from Twitter on Crisp is to renew your all the Twitter API Tokens on
Please ensure your OAuth permissions are set to Read + Write + Direct Messages
Check if your Account Activity API dev environment is properly configured
Check that you do not have the "Filter low-quality messages" enabled in your Twitter inbox. You can disable this by navigating to your Twitter Messages > Settings > Enable "Allow messages requests from everyone" > Disable "Filter low-quality messages"

Want to know more about Twitter Integration? Get a clear view of our social inbox for customer service

Updated on: 28/02/2025

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